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COVID-19 Impact Assessment
This Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) has been developed by Public Health Northamptonshire on behalf of the Northamptonshire Ethics Advisory Group. Although it is a ‘snapshot’ in time, and new factors about COVID-19 will become apparent over time, it provides a wealth of useful information. The EIA looks at the likely impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different groups of people over the short (three months), medium (six months to one year) and long term (after one year) and assesses the impact on those with protected characteristics, vulnerable groups and others such as front line staff. Supporting organisations can develop their own EIA action plan using the information within the document by clicking on the ‘Action Plan’ button on each page.
The initial Impact Assessment has been published and can be found at
The authors are interested to receive feedback about the document or to hear how you may have used the action plan. You can contact them on [email protected]